You must be a rich man, " she said. "Not much of a warrior, though. You keep letting me sneak up on you." You don't surprise me, " he said. "The Plains Indians had women who rode their horses eighteen hours a day. They could shoot seven arrows consecutively, have them all in the air at the same time. They were the best light cavalry in the world." Just my luck, " she said. "An educated Indian."Yeah, " he said. "Reservation University."They both laughed at the old joke. Every Indian is an alumnus. Where you from?" she asked. Wellpinit, " he said. "I'm a Spokane."I should've known. You got those fisherman's hands." Ain't no salmon left in our river. Just a school bus and a few hundred basketballs." What the hell you talking about?" Our basketball team drives into the river and drowns every year, " he said. "It's a tradition." She laughed. "You're just a storyteller, ain't you?" I'm just telling you things before they happen, " he said. "The same things sons and daughters will tell your mothers and fathers." Do you ever answer a question straight?" Depends on the question, " he said. Do you want to be my powwow paradise? . Sherman Alexie
About This Quote

Do you want to be my powwow paradise? This phrase is often spoken in a tone of endearment. It is used when talking about a special person you love, or when someone asks if you would like to be in a relationship. It's not nearly as romantic as "I love you" but it's simple and can convey the same level of meaning.

Source: The Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight In Heaven

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  3. I know nothing of magick, ” the naked man said to the raven, “except what you told me.” He laughed sadly. “And I barely remember that. I tend to drift off when you ramble.

  4. I’m a dot in the grand scheme of things. I don’t matter, not even to the other dots.

  5. You said the d-word, ” Owllwin said regretfully. “I didn’t think you would, or I woulda warned ya.”“. .. the d-word?” Cricket repeated in confusion.“ Yeah. .. ” Owllwin paused as if he was glancing around, then he whispered through the wall, “Dragon.” Cricket blinked....

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